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Compare to Lab Test

Home Sleep Testing (HST) vs. Polysomnography Lab Testing (PSG)

In recent years, there has been a focus by many of the major insurance carriers to provide medical coverage for in-home sleep testing. The benefits of cost reduction and patient comfort, while producing similar results, has shifted the focus to a home-based study in patients suspected of having an obstructive sleep apnea diagnosis.

As home-based technologies have advanced in diagnosing sleep apnea, most major insurance carriers have expanded their policy coverage to make this simple, home-based approach an available option for their patients.

Increasing co-pays and annual deductibles has forced patients to seek alternatives for a cost-effective option to properly diagnose sleep apnea.


Here’s a quick comparison of HST vs. Lab testing:


Which one looks more Comfortable?

At-home Sleep Test


In-Lab Sleep Test


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